Legal Notice

In order to comply the established in art. 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), it is informed that this Website is owned by the company Ulises Freitas

Business name: WOW Scores

Address: Floridablanca 39, 08301 Barcelona, Spain

CIF: X5390698G

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We make you aware that your personal data that may be in this communication, are incorporated into a file responsibility of WOW SCORES. The purpose of this file is to manage the requested service.

For the use of the Page requires the express acceptance of the user of each and every one of the clauses indicated in this Legal Notice, as well as each of the specific warnings or clauses that are established for the contracting of certain services , products or use of areas of the Page.

In case of not accepting the clauses established in this Legal Notice, the user must refrain from accessing and / or using the services and / or contents made available on the Page, proceeding to abandon it.